Driving Under the Influence of the Media


So what! It’s just a picture of someone reading the newspaper. No, it’s a picture of someone reading the newspaper while driving on the highway at 70 miles per hour!

A good friend of mine, Matt Ryan ~ front man for Bruce in the USA, sees all sorts while touring around the States. He and the guys in the band clocked this guy from the tour bus doing 70 miles per hour on the I-40 in Southern New Jersey. He didn’t even look up when they passed him.


Why is he reading while driving? Here are three reasons:

  1. On his way to work, frantically searching through the paper for anything on the body he dumped in the bay the night before.
  2. On his way to a high-profile job, frantically searching through the paper for anything on the photo taken of him last night lingering outside the men’s public washrooms.
  3. Works in PR and will get fired if he isn’t up to date on the latest, greatest, breaking news.

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